
February 1, 2021

January Reflection

Introduction: Ah, January… the month where the majority of us start off with fresh hopes, dreams and goals. Granted, this January was always going to be slightly different given the global pandemic that is still affecting most of us. With that being said, I still think that it’s important to
How To Choose The Right Pair Of Running Shoes

January 28, 2021

How To Choose Running Shoes

Introduction: Running shoes are a very personal thing. Pardon the pun, but it’s not a “one shoe fits all” scenario. Choosing the right pair of running shoes can seem like a tough challenge. The market is flooded with different brands and models. Lockdown also makes it harder to choose the
Hyena Running Belt

January 21, 2021

Hyena Running Belt Review

Introduction: I have tried a fair few running belts over the last four years and have never been completely satisfied. There always seemed to be some major flaw that I found. Some bounced around too much. Others were too small to fit my phone; although I do have a big
A Guide To Heart Rate Training
Introduction: Utilizing a heart rate monitor during training sessions can really help you get the most out of each session. Every session should have a designated goal. A good training plan will incorporate a variety of different workouts. Speed sessions should be difficult, tempo runs should be comfortably hard, long
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My Journey: In 2014, at age 22, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. It was a diagnosis that I found hard to accept; in fact, I felt almost embarrassed by the diagnosis. My doctor prescribed anti-depressants which were to be taken every day. I started taking these each morning,
Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021

January 2, 2021

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021

Introduction: I entered 2020 with a positive mindset towards my training and confident that I would be able to hit some of my big goals for the year. 2019 saw me miss a fair amount of training with injuries and also wedding planning, so consistency was going to be one
Me and Ry

September 11, 2020

Losing Someone To Suicide

I’ve been away for a while now, and it’s due to one life changing day… Wednesday 22nd July… it was just another morning. I hadn’t been out of bed long and was just finishing my coffee. At 7:37 I got a notification on my phone via Facebook that my brother
Running Workouts For Speed
Following on from our last blog post, “How To Run Faster”, today we are going to take a look at some speed workouts that you can utilize to improve your running pace. If you are unsure about what types of runs you should be including in your training, check out
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How To Run Faster

June 26, 2020

How To Run Faster

Introduction “How can I run faster?” is another question that I see asked a lot, especially by newer runners. Once you have the running bug, the next logical step is to try to increase distance or speed; with most opting for speed! There are a number of ways to improve
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Beginner Running Tips

June 19, 2020

Beginner Runner Tips

This is something that I get asked a lot on social media, and also see posted in a lot of beginner runner and fitness groups that I am a part of. People often seem unsure on how to start out running, or what they need to keep in mind. If
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